Do you BIM ?

a BIM Model is full virtual model (in 3D) of a building long before it is actually built and during its whole life cycle (for future refurbishment and maintenance). It is created thanks to a co-ordinated set of processes, supported by technology. It incorporates all info of every element of a building. The benefits of BIM are multiple.

  • Better outcomes through collaboration

All participants use a single, shared 3D model, hence building a collaborative working relationship.

  • Enhanced performance

BIM makes possible easy comparison of different design proposals, enabling development of more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.

  • economics

Through modelling in 3-d the architect makes key decisions which allow for a more accurate cost analysis.

  • Greater predictability

Projects are visualised at an early stage, giving clients a clear idea of the design. In advance of building, BIM enables the team to ‘pre-build’ the project and troubleshoot all potential problems ahead.

  • Faster project delivery

Save up to 50% time by agreeing the design concept early and avoid late stage design changes; resolving tricky construction details early on; avoiding clashes; checking design integrity;  estimating quantities better etc…

  • Whole life management

The BIM model contains all product information that assists with tendering, building and maintenance

The financial impact of all these advantages, taken together, can be considerable. There is a consensus that BIM offers important financial savings for the clients and the builders.

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